All Catfish Species Inventory PARTICIPANTS |
Participants include all persons who have expressed collaborative interests in the All Catfish Species Inventory. Particpants range from undergraduate and graduate students in the dawn of their studies to senior level Ph.D. ichthyologists who have conducted taxonomic and systematic research on fishes for many years. Collaborative interests include: single or coauthored* publication of new-species descriptions and taxonomic revisions; co-organization of ACSI workshops and/or expeditions; facilitated access to museum specimens from ACSI and non-ACSI field projects; imaging of live, primary type and other museum specimens; development and use of identification guides and museum, taxonomic and bibliographic databases (e.g., Catalog of Fishes); and generating phylogenetic information from morphological and molecular studies. It is a central goal of the ACSI to make funds and resources available to facilitate such enterprises as they relate to the discovery, description and revision of all catfishes. * Note that no participant will be asked or expected to include other participants as coauthors simply on account of being co-participants in ASCI; coauthorship arrangements are presumed to reflect collaborative authorship and intellectual contributions from all involved. |
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