
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Check List of the Freshwater Fishes of South

and Central America

Edited by Roberto E. Reis, Carl J. Ferraris, Jr. and Sven O. Kullander

CLOFFSCA is a biodiversity inventory of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America, including the Caribbean islands. It meets two immediate objectives, the first to list all known taxa for the region, and the second to establish a platform for keeping the inventory updated. CLOFFSCA was made possible by two databases resources combined with a large amount of systematic expertise. The Catalog of Fishes compiled by William N. Eschmeyer at the California Academy of Sciences, and the FishBase Project, which is a global information system covering all aspects of fish biology, created by Daniel Pauly and Rainer Froese. For this enterprise the editors invited experts for each family or subfamily of Neotropical fishes to participate as authors in CLOFFSCA. In the end, 64 persons from South America, North America and Europe were enlisted. Authors played the most important role in correcting synonymy and adding lots of new information to the original database. Entries for each fish species in the Neotropics include valid name and synonyms, author, year and page of original descriptions, type locality, and catalog number and depository of primary type specimens. In addition, contextual information for each species include maximum length, geographical distribution, countries of occurrence, common names, and remarks and references. A general introduction and a list of references complete the chapter for each family. This book is a necessary reference to all those working on systematics or general ichthyology of Neotropical fishes.

(Hard cover, 729 pages, high quality paper, ISBN 85-7430-361-5)

Price: R$ 146,00 or US$ 48.00
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