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National Science Foundation
Division of Environmental Biology
Cluster for Systematic and Population Biology
Biotic Surveys and Inventories Program
List of Planetary Biological Inventory Awards (2003)

PBI: Solanum: A Worldwide Treatment
NSF Award Abstract - DEB 0316614
Lynn A. Bohs (Principal Investigator)
Michael Nee (Co-Principal Investigator)
Sandra Knapp (Co-Principal Investigator)
David M. Spooner (Co-Principal Investigator)
Lead Institution:
University of Utah, 1471 Federal Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, 801/581-6903

PBI: All Catfish Species (SILURIFORMES)
Phase 1 of an Inventory of the Otophysi
NSF Award Abstract - DEB 0315963
Lawrence M. Page (Principal Investigator)
John G. Lundberg (Co-Principal Investigator)
Mark H. Sabaj (Co-Principal Investigator)
Carl J. Ferraris, Jr. (Co-Principal Investigator)
Jonathan W. Armbruster (Co-Principal Investigator)
John P. Friel (Co-Principal Investigator)
Lead Institution:
University of Florida, 219 Grinter Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611, 352/392-1582

PBI: Phytophagous Insects as a Model Group for Documenting Planetary Biodiversity (Insecta: Heteropetera: Miridae: Orthotylinae, Phylinae)
NSF Award Abstract - DEB 0316495
Randall T. Schuh (Principal Investigator)
Gerasimos Cassis (Co-Principal Investigator)
Lead Institution:
American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St, New York, NY 10024

PBI: Global Biodiversity of Eumycetozoans
NSF Award Abstract - DEB 0316284
Frederick W. Spiegel (Principal Investigator)
Steven L. Stephenson (Co-Principal Investigator & Project Director)
Carlos Lado (Co-Principal Investigator)
James C. Cavender (Co-Principal Investigator)
Martin Schnittler (Co-Principal Investigator)
Lead Institution:
University of Arkansas, 120 Ozark Hall, Fayetteville, AR 72701, 479/575-3845